Passion is a disease; What does Allah SWT say about it?

Passion has two codes: loving an object, and the other is an eagerness to possess the object. When one of these two codes does not exist, then passion doesn’t exist either.

Taiyab Fatima
6 min readApr 25, 2021

After disclosing every mathematics lecture, my elder sister used to go through my notes of that specific lecture. She enlightens the sums and solves them more simply when compared to my lecturer’s concepts. As though she was a genius in math, I never approached her in my difficult situation of summing. I was stubborn and adored to find my lecturer comprehending is the only correct way, even if it takes a long time or a shorter time. Even the sums are tough or easy because my only relay was my teacher for any solution.

Photo by the dancing rain on Unsplash

We sit on musallah and pray for yearnings to fulfill. Wait for the prayers to be answered. Yet, when nothing shows up. We continue the deception by pouring water on the result, whether it is good or bad. If it goes harmful against us, we are only to blame for unheard prayers by the Almighty. How ironic is this? Because we don’t know, the answers to our questions are mentioned by Allah thousands to thousands of years back.

(PS: the reason for me approaching only my lecturer is I could blame him if the output of the sum gets wrong in the examination but can’t my sister because the world will condemn me If I did :)

Passion is a disease, and though it has entailed in our prophets. It’s different with causes, signs, and cure compared to another sickness since it’s an immortal spiritual disease of the heart. If the ailments are acute, they cannot be curable; alas, their effects unbearable to the afflicted.

When we are affectionate towards something, passionate about something, adore some things heavenly, we believe no man advising us for the forthcoming of that act is harmful.

Photo by Rachid Oucharia on Unsplash

It’s the nature of humankind to clinch on a mortal face that’s perfect — relying on that to find therapies because we blindfold perfection never fakes.

That’s how consequence responds to inbuilt passion in a person. Passion for anything or everything

These things collectively connect with our personal affairs; when consequence materializes, then we only anticipate sure of Allah SWT calls to our action.

Allah SWT has mentioned the subject of passion concerning two types of people, which are women and beardless boys. Allah has mentioned the story when angels came to visit prophet Lut AS in the form of beardless young boys. The wicked people of the city came rejoicing and demanding to hand over the guests of the prophet Lut AS to them so that they could accomplish their lust. Prophet Lut AS was in distress as he was unaware that his guests are angels who took the form of young boys.

Allah SWT mentioned the other subject as the story of the wife of Al-Aziz (ruler of Egypt) and the Prophet Yusuf AS

Passion towards Image /Beauty only afflicts empty hearts.

The ailment of passion for image afflicts the hearts that are deprived of the love of Allah SWT. When a heart disobeys Allah and runs to someone to mend love for the soul. But the hearts which have the urge to meet Allah SWT and hearts filled for the love of Allah SWT fend off with this disease.

Allah SWT has mentioned sincerity is the remedy and the cause that drive away passion (which might lead to sin and fornication, and that is what Allah SWT has said about Prophet Yusuf AS)

Our forefathers once narrated passion as an act of the heart that is empty of everything except for its passion.

Allah said :

“And the heart of the mother of músã(Moses) became empty (from every thought, except the thought of músã (Moses)]. She was very near to disclosing his case.” Quran (28:10)

This ayah indicates the heart of Moses’ mother. Her heart was empty of every concern as her heart occupies excellent love and affection for her son.

Allah’s wisdom has implicated creation where similarities occur between people and then driven likes and avoids what is dissimilar to them.

Allah’s command on creation has been established by equating similar things and differentiating between dissimilar things. This applies both in life and on the day of resurrection.

(it will be said to angels) : “Assemble those who did wrong, together with their companions (from the devils) and what they used to worship, Instead of Allah, and lead them on to the way of flaming Fire(Hell).” Quran (37:22,23)

Also, Allah said:

“And when souls shall be joined with their partners (the good with the good and bad with the bad)” Quran 81:7

This ayah indicates that each person ties to his likes. Those who love for the sake of Allah will be together in paradise. At the same time, those who love for the devil’s sake will be together in hell, whether or not he likes it.

Wallahi I was dawned on the truth when this ayah reflected on love and affection of our Ummat and youth on celebrities, musicians, BTS, influencers, and peoples that drone on worldly life and those who drag our affection for their appearances and masked status.

Are we ready to be gathered with them and on the day of resurrection and move to hell?

As The Ummah, shouldn’t we intend and prepare to gather with our Prophet Mohammed SAW?

Passion nonetheless, but a parade of love. There are several types of love. The best and most honorable type of love is love for the sake of Allah.

One among the types is when both the parties have similarities (of religion, of craft, of the temperament, of theology) or a goal they both seek.

Another kind of love is when there is a passion that is gained from the material. The love for objects, money, knowledge in a person. This kind of love has a goal. When the goal is achieved, the love goes away.

Love because of similarities doesn’t fade away unless there is a reason that fades it. This kind of love includes passion as heart and soul share it.

No other diseases can cause severe effects on those affected by this obsession, weakness and concern, and even obstruction like passion.

One other type of love is one-sided love.

The ailment of one-sided love includes three causes.

1. Because it is accidental and not natural (sometimes a loved person dislikes the other party)

2. The loved person is a cause himself because of a deficiency he possesses in his mannerism, path, appearance, or forth.

3. Specific reasons that prevent the loved person from sharing the same feelings

Though it may be true or involves two-person contributions, it’s still a disease that slowly conquers harmful forthcoming. Unless they attained it through legal actions such as marriage. And there is no cure like marriage to the disease of passion.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

If a person cannot attain through legal cases such as marriage, then abandoning this madness is the only cure. The bafflement of passion subordinates the person for attempting sins; if he is uncontrollable in his madness, the cure cannot be attempted. Throwing oneself on the door of Allah and seeking the answer through prayer is a cure precisely.

Arrogance, envy, pride, and love for the world and its possession are the reasons for disbelievers from whom the messengers aren’t beloved more than themselves and their families. When these barriers are removed from the hearts of the messenger’s followers, the love for the messenger is more than the love for themselves and their family.

Reference: Healing with the medicine of the Prophet Mohammed صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ (SAW)



Taiyab Fatima

Just a girl growing wings✨. She inks words to douse her thirst as if one needs air to breathe ⛈ 📖 Creative writer @upwork Email: